Repairing Busytime (Used by SchedMgr & RNRMgr, & CalConn)

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 02/14/2009 at 12:37 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software (Re)Configuration

To update or repair busytime:

1. Check the schedule database by issuing:
tell sched validate

Note: If you get the error "Error processing calendar profile document ... ... User's mail is being forwarded to another location.", that is okay. It means there is a forward on the person doc.

2. Check the same one from the rnrmgr point of view:
tell rnrmgr validate

Note: If you get the error "Error processing calendar profile document ... ... User's mail is being forwarded to another location.", that is okay. It means there is a forward on the person doc.

If you want to just have the server create a new busytime.
1. Stop the sched, calconn, and rnrmgr tasks on the Server Console or from the Server Tasks view (Server tab --> Status tab).
2. Via whatever method you want navigate to the Domino server's data folder (e.g. using a terminal command window, cd /local/notesdata).
3. In the console, type the command "dbcache flush". This will unlock the database from Domino and give the moment you need.
4. Back in the terminal command window, delete the database. (e.g. rm busytime.nsf --> yes to confirm).
5. Restart the sched, calconn, and rnrmgr tasks in the Domino console. (e.g. load sched, load calconn, load rnrmgr).

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